As always, the full agenda can (and should) be viewed by clicking below:
Council Mtg. Recap – February 15, 2022
1. CPA Fund Votes The first slate of projects recommended by the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) came before the council for approval. There were eleven projects on the agenda, but two projects (Rollie’s Farm and stained glass window repair at City Hall) require bonding and were moved to March 1st for a vote. The remaining…
Agenda Items for 2/15/22
As always, the full agenda can (and should) be viewed below:
Council Mtg. Recap – February 8, 2022
1. A Failed City Manager Negotiation Agenda item 9.2 – Executive Session – To Conduct Strategy Session Regarding Nonunion (City Manager) Contract, Public Discussion Of Which May Have A Detrimental On The Position Of The Public Body. Prior to a vote on the motion for executive session, CM Donoghue read into the record her preference…
Agenda Items for 2/08/22
As always, the full agenda can (and should) be viewed by clicking below:
Council Mtg. Recap – February 1, 2022
1. MORE ROURKE BRIDGE Motion response to the following recent motions relative to the Rourke Bridge: C. Rourke – Req. City Mgr. Contact MassDOT Concerning Rourke Bridge Inspections And AnyUpcoming Plans For Redesign And Construction Of New Bridge C. Robinson/C. Rourke – Req. City Mgr. Contact MassDOT And Request EmergencyInspection Of The Rourke Bridge, To…
Agenda Items for 2/01/22
As always, the full agenda can (and should) be viewed:
Council Mtg. Recap January 25, 2022
1. A FULL AGENDA It took nearly three hours to work through a relatively heavy agenda. There were six motion responses, two substantive informational reports (CPA Funds and Cawley Stadium), and a whopping twenty four motions. Why it matters: There was some healthy debate last week as to whether new councilors should undergo something of…
Agenda Items for 1/25/22
As always, the full Agenda can (and should) be seen by following the button below:
Council Mtg. Recap January 18, 2022
1. ARPA PUBLIC INPUT A discussion was held relative to a city response to motions filed by Councilors Mercier, Drinkwater and Nuon on the topic of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. In sum, the City is still in the process of figuring out what spending is allowed under the American Rescue Plan Act and…