Another efficient “nuts and bolts” type meeting last night. As such, I’ve really got nothing to add. The replay is already up on LTC for your viewing pleasure. In other news, this week’s School Committee agenda features an update on progress of the LHS renovation. This Fall’s project milestones for Phase 2 are laid out:…
Council Mtg. Recap – October 11, 2022
Last night, we were treated to a brief meeting and light agenda. Nothing too earth-shattering to speak of, so I’m going to try to make lemonade out of fire trucks and parking. Yikes. 1. Well, That Was Weird Councilor Yem filed a motion to “Request City Manager And Lowell Fire Department Explore The Possibility Of…
Council Mtg. Recap – October 4, 2022
The most substantive item on last night’s agenda was the roll-out of the administration’s plan for the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds. The city received a windfall of nearly 76 million dollars in APRA funds and we must have this cash “obligated” by December 31, 2024 (funds must be spent by December…
Council Mtg. Recap – September 27, 2022
1. Open Streets Coming Soon Not much discussion on a motion response relative to beginning an “Open Streets” program downtown. Nevertheless, this is good stuff. As per the response, Open Streets is a concept (and movement) designed to elevate place-making and neighborhood development. Lowell could model an Open Streets pilot program on the Open Streets…
Council Meeting Recap – September 13, 2022
It’s Not Working Last night was the first council meeting in three weeks. When the council last met on August 23, there were 19 motion responses, 20 new motions, 18 votes, 5 public utility hearings, 2 informational reports, an executive session and other miscellaneous items. Predictably, the council was unable to get through this list…
Council Mtg. Recap – August 23, 2022
1. Tough Shoes to Fill Christine McCall, our Director of Planning and Development /Assistant City Manager received a citation as she will be leaving Lowell for a new position in the private sector. The Department of Planning and Development, in essence, shapes the vision for the direction of the city. Ms. McCall has served as…
Council Mtg. Recap – August 9, 2022
1. Dracut(?) Man Receives Lowell Award John MacDonald, who has served bravely in the culture wars, was on hand to receive “Veteran of the Month” honors. Is this new? I don’t recall this being a monthly tradition in the past. In any event, last I saw, Mr. MacDonald was a resident of Dracut, where he…
Checking-In on the School Committee
Report Card for Supt. Boyd Jumping out of my lane to check-in on the August 3rd Special Meeting of the Lowell School Committee to discuss the 2021-2022 Evaluation of Superintendent Joel Boyd. Based on the following scale, the Super received an overall rating of 2.89 out of a possible 4.0: The 2.89 rating is below…
Council Meeting Recap – July 26, 2022
One Issue Recap – Sale of LeLacheur Park to UMass Lacking other options and thus any leverage, the Council voted 11-0 to sell LeLacheur to UMass Lowell for One Million Dollars. The vote was the culmination of approximately 18 months of negotiation between the city and the university for transfer of the property. I should…
Council Mtg. Recap – July 12, 2022
1. A Brief Recap This Week I missed about half of the live meeting, but was able to half-listen to most of what I missed on the LTC replay. As such, I’m skipping over several topics that are probably worthy of attention. In other words, business as usual. Of note, there was plenty of room…